Knowledge is power.

We have worked with dozens of entreprenuers, startups, consultants and SMEs. Here is a useful set of FAQ to help you with those burning questions.

LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling
LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling
LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling
Social Selling, FAQ, LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling
LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling
Social Selling, LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling
Social Selling, LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling
LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling

Questions from the community

01. Do you offer a free trial?

Yes we do! We will run an outreach campaign on your profile for 14 days so you can see how it all works. No risk, no obligation, no downside.

02. How do you build the audience to target?

We consult with our clients and get to know their business and their goals for outreach. From there we do our own due diligence and advise on a strategic plan to maximise the outreach campaign.

03. How many connections can I expect each month?

Depending on the industry, we average between 80 – 200 new connections per month for our clients.

04. Do you offer content support for clients?

You’re in luck, we’re affiliated with an experienced brand communication agency that does just that, helping build custom tailored solutions for our clients. Whether you are looking for network building alone or network building and content development, we have you covered.

05. Is it just network building?

No, network building and targeting decision makers is at the core of it, but our dynamic campaigns also cater for messaging campaigns to existing audiences. Build the audience. Nurture it. Add value.

LinkedIn outreach, network building, social selling